JetWash Powder is a micropowder detergent, with a high foaming power, especially suitable for the exterior car wash for high pressure washing centers (boxes). The optimum amount of substances in the formulation and its studied alkalinity and specific surfactants, give the product a high cleaning and degreaser power, removing dirt produced by the combustion fumes, traces of oil, static dirt, and especially any dirt caused by the movement of dirty surfaces (traffic film, inorganic salts, traces of snow,..) It is a product of low density and high finess, thus facilitating water solubility. It also prevents the product to be volatile, facilitating their use in the hoppers.
The recommended dose for the JetWash Powder is comprised between 10-20g per minute (0,1%-0,5%) dosing in the machine designed for hopper systems. For effective cleaning of the vehicle, to use decalcified water and heated to 40 – 50°C previously. Then rise thoroughly with softened or desalinated water to the total elimination of the product.
JetWash Powder je praškasti deterdžent, s visokim stupnjem stvaranja pjene, posebno pogodan za samoposlužne autopraonice. JetWash Powder je mikroprašak posebno pogodan za pranje visokim pritiskom u samoposlužnim autopraonicama. Optimalna formulacija, lužnatost i specifične aktivne tvari daju proizvodu visoku moć odmašćivanja, uklanjanja tragova ulja te prljavštine uzrokovane vremenskim utjecajima i prometom. JetWash Powder je mikroprašak niske gustoće, lako topljiv i u hladnoj vodi i ne stvara nikakva začepljenja.
Preporučena količina doziranja u stroju iznosi od 10g do 20g po minuti (0,1-0,5%)
Koristiti omekšanu ili deioniziranu vodu zagrijanu na 40 – 50°C
Još nema recenzija.